Definition of Chinese cabbage

1. Noun. Plant with an elongated head of broad stalked leaves resembling celery; used as a vegetable in east Asia.

Exact synonyms: Brassica Rapa Pekinensis, Celery Cabbage, Napa, Pe-tsai
Generic synonyms: Crucifer, Cruciferous Plant
Group relationships: Brassica, Genus Brassica

2. Noun. Elongated head of crisp celery-like stalks and light green leaves.
Exact synonyms: Celery Cabbage, Chinese Celery
Generic synonyms: Cabbage, Chou

Definition of Chinese cabbage

1. Noun. Any East Asian leafy vegetable related to the Western cabbage, especially varieties of ''Brassica rapa''. ¹

2. Noun. Bok choy. ¹

3. Noun. Napa cabbage. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Chinese Cabbage

Chinese Shan
Chinese Taipei
Chinese Wall
Chinese Walls
Chinese alligator
Chinese angelica
Chinese angelica tree
Chinese anise
Chinese astrology
Chinese black mushroom
Chinese boxes
Chinese broccoli
Chinese brown sauce
Chinese burn
Chinese burns
Chinese cabbage
Chinese cabbages
Chinese celery
Chinese character
Chinese characters
Chinese checkers
Chinese chequers
Chinese chess
Chinese chestnut
Chinese chive
Chinese cinnamon
Chinese compliment
Chinese compliments
Chinese cork oak
Chinese cypress

Literary usage of Chinese cabbage

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Subtropical Vegetable-gardening by Peter Henry Rolfs (1916)
"Chinese cabbage (Brassica Pe-tsai) This relative of the cabbage has been recommended as a substitute for the latter in hot climates. ..."

2. The Gardener's Magazine and Register of Rural and Domestic Improvement by J C Loudon (1839)
"At Paris, the Chinese cabbage is sown in July or August, transplanted in three ... M. Vilmorin, however, has found that the Chinese cabbage always succeeds ..."

3. The Horticulturist; Or, An Attempt to Teach the Science and Practice of the by John Claudius Loudon, Loudon (Jane) (1849)
"The Chinese cabbage., B. chinensis L. (Pe-tsai, Chinese; Chou Chinois, Fr.), is an annual, apparently intermediate between the cabbage and the turnip, ..."

4. The New Dietetics, what to Eat and how: A Guide to Scientific Feeding in by John Harvey Kellogg (1921)
"THE PAI TS'AI OR Chinese cabbage The pai ts'ai (pronounced pi-tsi) is a relative of the turnip. It forms a cylindrical, rather loose head with greenish ..."

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